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IMIDRO pursues overseas technical, engineering markets
(Minews) - An official at the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation (IMIDRO) said the organization is following up implementation of projects abroad with an aim of exporting technical and engineering services and preparing the ground for the presence of investors.

Amir Khorrami Shaad added that the eastern neighbor of the country is rich in mineral reserves and is in a satisfactory condition for the establishment of processing factories which leads to the development of eastern provinces.

The official also said that Afghanistan is a country rich in mines and has unique opportunities for investment in iron ore, copper, niobium, cobalt, molybdenum and lithium.

He noted that preparing the ground for the establishment of processing units as well as completing the mining industry value chain inside the country, in addition to creating job opportunities the economy of the region and the country will be boosted.

Khorrami Shaad put the value of the explored Afghanistan mines at about $850 billion and said that if investment is made for the processing of the minerals annually over $5 billion can be obtained through the export of the processed materials.

He said Afghanistan has no access to open seas and Iran’s Chabahar Free Zone is proper for the export of the materials to the world.

Afghanistan, Iran and India are to sign an agreement for using facilities at Chabahar Port and the issue of using the port has been the topic of discussion of the officials of the three countries since 10 years ago but so far has had no tangible result.

Chabahar Port is located in the southern part of Sistan-Baluchestan Province, along the Oman Sea and the Indian Ocean.
Publish date : Monday 2 March 2015 20:34
Story Code: 22185
Source : IRNA